“Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world”. Archimedes The Greek Philosopher
Why is it that so many people think that optimizing and scaling a business is so difficult, almost requiring a magical touch utilizing the most highly secretive techniques known only to a small group of Goo-Roos?
I'll let you in on a dirty little secret most Goo-Roos don't want YOU to know…
What YOU need is a simple process to follow to help you identify the hidden opportunities and gaps in your business.
Understanding how a simple word can have such a profound effect on your life...
One word...
Essentially leverage allows you to take what you currently have and tap into opportunities all around you.
This is one tool, your toolbox cannot be without.
Here are some ideas on how you can use leverage in your life and business.
In your business you are using leverage when you run advertisements. These advertisements are silent salesman for your business. The advertisements are reaching thousands of potential prospects.
Marketing is the ultimate use of leverage in your business. Marketing has an almost infinite upside potential with minimal downside (risk versus reward). Here’s what I mean…
When you run an ad, send an email, use direct mail your hard cost will be the same whether you get a 1% response rate are a 10% sign response rate.
So by working on improving your marketing, you can greatly increase the use of the leverage it provides.
Stop trading time for money, start thinking with a results based environment mindset where you and those around you are rewarded for producing.
Prioritize and focus on leveraging revenue enhancing activities.
Start NOW applying Leverage in the use of your time to create income producing assets which will make you wealthy.
There is good leverage and bad leverage.
Marketing is almost an infinite upside with almost no downside.